Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Survey - NGSC/FGC Sample Queue Privacy

This survey was conducted from Jan 22 to Jan 25 to determine what information NGSC/FGC users wanted displayed about samples in the sample queue, a feature that we are adding to the website.  By Jan 23 we had 86 respondents (which is fantastic!) which allows us to get a very clear picture of what users want.

To summarize,
  1. most people want to see the principle investigator and investigator's names.
  2. a significant percentage do not want investigation name or experiment or assay names visible
  3. a significant percentage do not want the sample name visible
  4. most people do want to see the date the sample was submitted.
Just a few people used the comment box and none of the comments altered the results above.  The details are below. Despite the relatively large percentage of Don't Care responses, there were very few respondents that put Don't Care for each question.

So we will be including just these four sample identification columns in the queue.  Other data, such as time in the queue or estimated time until finishing will be added once we can estimate them with reasonable accuracy.
  1. PI
  2. investigator
  3. submission date
  4. anonymous sample ID
With these answers in hand, we will implement the sample queue as quickly as we can.

Thanks for your feedback!

Question        | NO!     | no      | eh      | yes     | YES!
1. PI             2.3%  2   5.8%  5  25.6% 22  47.7% 41  18.6% 16
2. Investigator   2.3%  2   5.8%  5  29.1% 25  40.7% 35  22.1% 19
3. Investigation 14.0% 12  25.6% 22  25.6% 22  26.7% 23   8.1%  7
4. Cond & Assay  19.8% 17  22.1% 19  26.7% 23  24.4% 21   7.0%  6
5. Sample Name   10.6%  9  21.2% 18  25.9% 22  29.4% 25  12.9% 11
6. Submit Date    0.0%  0   4.7%  4  22.1% 19  33.7% 29  39.5% 34

Monday, January 21, 2013

FAQ Barcodes

When multiplexing libraries, it is essential to pick barcodes that work together.

Check the instructions in your library kit carefully to find the barcode selection guide.  It may not be obvious at first.

If you are using the FGC/NGSC's multiplexed ChIP-seq protocol, you will find the legal combinations on page 3.