Friday, September 7, 2012

FGC or NGSC - which core to use?

The Functional Genomics Core (FGC) and the Next-Generation Sequencing Core (NGSC) provide similar services, but with some important differences.
Here is a summary to help you decide which core is right for your project.


  • high-throughput sequencing for IDOM/DRC members
  • downstream data analysis for IDOM/DRC members as capacity allows
  • Agilent microarrays for IDOM, UPenn, and academic clients
  • limited RNA-Seq library prep for IDOM/DRC members


  • high-throughput sequencing for UPenn and academic clients
  • standardized basic preliminary data analysis for UPenn and academic clients
  • limited RNA-Seq library prep for UPenn, and academic clients

For the NGSC and FGC, prices are higher for external clients.

To good news is that you talk to the same people no matter which core you use.

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