Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Illumina hiSeq2000


The NGSC has two hiSeq2000 sequencers. These are high volume sequencers.

Sequencing Capacity
  • Each sequencer can sequence two flowcells at the same time.
  • Each flowcell has eight lanes.
  • Each lane can hold about 250 million clusters.
  • Each cluster can be sequenced from one end (single read) or both ends (paired-end).
  • Sequencing is normally done to a length of 50bp or 100bp.
  • A 100bp PE lane can generate 250 × 102 clusters × 200 bp/cluster = 5 × 1010 bp
Run Times

Flow Cells Ends Bp Days
1 SR 50 2
100 4
PE 50 5
100 11
2 SR 50 2
100 4
PE 50 5
100 11
The length of time it takes to do a run depends on the number of ends sequenced, the number of bases sequenced, what kind of multiplexing, as well as whether there are one or two flowcells running on the same machine.
Multiplexing adds a day to the run. These are the minimum times, allow time for libraries to be checked for quality checked, scheduling time, and for data to be processed after the run.

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