This tool is used to identify statistically significant enrichment on regions that are defined relative to annotated regions of the genome, rather than to regions defined by the ChIP-Seq data itself. It is typically used when the pattern of the ChIP-Seq target is so diffuse that standard peak callers have a difficult time identifying regions of enrichment. In this case we will use regions that are of
a priori interest, such as promoters, gene bodies, CpG islands , etc. that are likely regions to contain enrichment for the ChIP target. The
ngsc-chipseq-RegionalEnrichment tool counts reads on these pre-defined regions of interest for both a ChIP and a control (usually input) sample, then uses a Fisher exact test and Benjamini-Hochberg correction to assess the enrichment of the ChIP signal on the region. A new track will be loaded with the enrichment ratio as the score and the p-value and FDR.
A pseudocount of 1 is added to each region when computing the Fisher test.
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