Wednesday, October 24, 2012

FAQ How Are My Samples Doing?

We will be extending the website and our notification system to provide more information but for now, here's what to expect.
  1. Sample Quality Checks
    1. takes a few days
    2. core staff will usually send an email with the results
  2. Scheduling a Run
    1. you may have to wait for a flow cell to be full to sequenced
    2. this time can vary widely depending on the type of run and our workload.
  3. Sequencing
    1. once the flow cell is scheduled here are the approximate times
      1. clustering - 0.5 days
      2. sequencing
        1. 50SR - 2 days
        2. 100SR - 4 days
        3. 50PE - 4 days
        4. 100PE - 11 to 14 days
  4. Fastq generation
    1. usually done the week day the run finishes
  5. Basic Analysis
    1. ChIP-Seq or HITS-CLIP alignments and peak calling
      1. takes 1 to 2 days
    2. RNA-Seq
      1. take about a week

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