Wednesday, October 24, 2012

FAQ Where Is My Old Data

  1. The cores keep tape back ups of every run.
  2. Most runs are kept on our sequencing server for a few weeks.
  3. The fastq files and subsequent analyses are stored on the PGFI cluster.
    1. The website can be used to download any of these files.
    2. Except for very old microarray data that we have archived almost all data is available this way.
    3. People with PGFI accounts can access these files directly.
  4. Many analyses are attached to tracks in the browser and can be downloaded using our genome browser.

What the Future Holds

The volume of data is quite large and is now a major part of our operating expenses.  Therefore in the future we will be moving to a more aggressive purging of on-line data storage.  We will advise you as plans move forward for this.

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