Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Illumina miSeq

The NGSC has ordered a miSeq sequencer. This is a smaller capacity than a hiSeq, but is a much faster machine.

The miSeq is available now.

Sequencing Capacity
  • Each miSeq has one flowcell.
  • The flowcell has 1 lane.
  • Each lane can generate about 15 million clusters.
  • Each cluster can be sequenced from one end, single read (SR), or both ends, paired-end (PE).
  • Sequencing is normally done to a length between 50bp and 250bp.
  • A 250bp PE run can generate 7.5 × 106 clusters × 500 bp/cluster = 3.75 × 109 bp
So the miSeq lane capacity is close to the total base pair output of a hiSeq lane, but finishes in a day. However, to reach this capacity the miSeq is sequencing fewer but longer reads.

Using the miSeq

For now the miSeq will be operated by the NGSC staff.

However, we anticipate that after training investigators will be able to use the machine on their own.

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