Thursday, March 29, 2012

Scheduling Runs


Since hiSeq2000 flow cells contain 8 lanes, we need to collect 8 lanes-worth of libraries before we begin a run.  This is more than most investigators will need to get an experiment started and, often, more than they will have prepared at a time, especially with multiplexing.  Therefore we take care will schedule flow cells from libraries from the sequencing queue in a first-come first-served fashion.

Because we do this scheduling it is actually counter-productive for clients to fill a flow cell and insist that the samples be sequenced together. There is rarely a technical reason to have everything sequenced on the same flow cell, so we ask that you let us schedule the flow cells to get maximum throughput.

Sequencing Queue

We have sequencing queues for each combination of sequencing parameters:

  • length (50 or 100bp)
  • paired-end or single-read
  • multiplexed or plain

At the moment 50bp PE sequencing is rare, so this is the one case where bringing 8 lanes of libraries would be helpful.

If you can't wait for a 50bp PE flowcell to fill, then we will put the library in the 100bp PE queue.

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