Monday, March 5, 2012

How the New Website Works

The new website has been dramatically redesigned to integrate all aspects of genomics experiments into one site.

Here's a brief guide.


This section contains a guide to the services we offer (Home) and a price list.

Getting Started

This section contains links to make new accounts, start a new experiment, and request and appointment with us.

Status and Results

Links in this section will let you search through your data, view it on the
genome, and download the data. Essentially all of the TessLA browser
functionality has been pushed into this section.

A few capabilities are missing but they should appear soon, along with new
ones to see the status of your samples and the core.

Technical Details

Links for protocol downloads, contact and shipping info, and our pictures.

Changes in TessLA

There are no more portals. Once you login (using your old TessLA login), you can see all the data that you are allowed to. This includes

  1. all of the investigations that you are either PI or investigator on
  2. all of the investigations that your PI is a PI on
  3. all investigations that you are listed as a collaborator on
  4. all public investigations.

To find data, use 'Search Tracks' or 'Search Studies'. These links let you do Google-style searching in studies or tracks to find the data you want.

We will be adjusting this search over the next few weeks, but for now, to find tracks enriched areas called by HOMER for MyoD in heart, you would enter something like


The studies search works in a similar way, but you start at the level of an investigation or study, then drill down to the tracks. This process usually means you can just start with something like


Once you've found the track you want, click the checkbox next to the genome
release to make it visible.

Not all tracks are linked into a study. You may have to find a track via Search Tracks rather than via Search Study.

We've replaced portals with preference tags. Once you log in, you can make tags (upper left of the screen). Then as you make tracks visible, set colors etc., these preferences are associated with the tag you have selected in the popup menu in the upper left. To change 'projects', just pick a new tag from the menu.

To get you started, we've imported all of your portal preferences from TessLA.

Most of the old TessLA options are now popups in the browser.

The ability to upload files is missing. We will do this very shortly.

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